Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Less to say, more to do.

Haven't had a large amount of time to blog recently, what with the onset of exams and personal issues. Personal issues involving my own demons and a few particularly stubborn individuals.

I'm going home this weekend, my mother was kind enough to book me an eyetest upon my request. My eyes aren't that bad, but sometimes it seems my eyesight has gotten worse. The eyetest is simply a precaution, given that I haven't had one for years.

It'll be good to see my cat this weekend, I do miss him. Stupid furball that he is.

Depression still no better, but then why would it be? The root causes of such things will always be with me, hounding me and tearing at me. But we cannot choose our emotions, we can only live with them.

Though between you and me, I do enjoy being a miserable git at times. :P

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