Sunday, May 13, 2007

Chapter 3- In which our hero forgets the point

I want to vent truthful thoughts and honest occurance. I wish to, in some small regard, express emotions that I happen to be feeling. These are the things I want to do in this blog.

How do I do these things if I know that certain truths would cause great pain in others? Others I care a great deal for.

The point of the blog was to be honest and open, so in that regard perhaps I shouldn't hold back. But the intention was never to cause suffering to others who might read this.

However if I do care about them as I claim to, don't they deserve the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Or perhaps I should wait until they ask for it before I go on to say something that might hurt them here in circumstances somewhat more public than they probably desire.

It's a battle between the point of starting this blog and the consequences of it.

It is no matter, I know which side will win. I'll vent in due course.

Right now though I wish to offer my congratulations to Serbia for winning the Eurovision Song Contest. You were up against the worst of Europian music and you managed to prove that you are the best of the bad. Well Done.

The U.K. came penultimate, only Ireland were considered worse. Malta saw fit to take pity on us by giving us the maximum 12 points though. I pity Malta's taste in music.

1 comment:

Layna said...

It is better to be honest. You are not responsible for them, you are only responsible for your own emotional responses. If they choose to have an emotional response based on your words, that is on them. I feel that when your words are read and they enlighten a person as to your true motives and feelings it would simply add to their wisdom.