Thursday, March 13, 2008

Update and ramblings

So it's been a while since I updated. Figured I might as well.

I intended that this blog be an outlet for my emotions or moods or whatever else I happened to be feeling. But lately I've not had a lot to vent about. That isn't to say everything has been great, or even good, things have been uneventful I suppose. Perhaps just uninteresting to outsiders.

Not a lot has changed. I suppose I've met a few new people, made a few new "friends", I use the term loosely as to me people are all expendable in some way or another. I'm still not sleeping well but the nightmares are less frequent. It's the dreams that disturb me in sleep now. Dreams are always worse, where they are not weird of course.

I'm looking forward to returning home for the Easter holidays. There are certain things I miss. I miss my cat (though i've found when I do go home I quickly grow tired of him) and I miss Gareth (though I only see him slightly more often when I'm at home). I also miss the countryside itself, the city is interesting enough but sometimes it's nice to look out of your window and hear nothing but the wind and the birds in the trees, or to see no people just green landscapes stretching into valleys, rivers and fields. I used to go for walks in the countryside, I'd stay out until just after dusk when the bats would come out. If I were to stay out until just after dusk here in the city, all that would immerge would be crackheads and drunken idiots.

Though I suppose when you live in the city you long for the peace of the countryside and when you live in the countryside you miss the hustle and bustle of the city. Never anything to do in the country, far too much to do in the city. No human can appreciate what they have, I know if I did I'd just try to spoil it. Only happy when I'm miserable :P

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like a beautiful countryside.