Wednesday, December 12, 2007


We're having a party on saturday. Everyone seems to be really looking forward to it. Me and Dan decorated the flat especially, we even got a christmas tree. Hopefully the party will be a success, enough people are coming for it to be fun.

Essentially, with the exception of Rob, we're a flat of bachelors which before a party always seems all the more obvious as a fact. I think they're all hoping for a little romance this christmas and certainly for a little romance at the party. To that end I've helped the others out by giving them one of my better ideas. Seeing as how the majority of people invited are female I suggested placing mistletoe above the front door so that when they go to let the guests in they can ask for a kiss before entry is granted. I'm looking forward to seeing the inevitable rush to answer the front door when the bell rings hehe.

Myself, although I'm looking forward to the party, I'm not hoping or looking for anything of the romantic nature to happen. I'd much rather place it in Fate's hands and if anything happens, it happens. I don't think I have much heart in me for romance.

At this party I shall be mostly playing Singstar. Perhaps I'll sing a duet with someone or perhaps just serenade the room :P

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