Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Blessed be the painkillers...

...for they ease my pain.

So very very ill. I either have mumps, a bacterial infection or something else. Whatever it is it's very very painful and has caused the right side of my face and neck to swell to an extraordinary level. But hey at least I can have endless fun looking in the mirror and seeing what it'd look like if I put on a lot of weight in just my head.

I look like Jabba the Hutt. Everyday I wake up and not only is the pain worse than the day before, but the swelling has spread and increased. It's even starting to push on my windpipe.

But thank heavens for my painkillers. Mild opiates ftw.

I've done nothing but sleep for 3 days and haven't eaten.

If I die i'm going to be mildly irratated.


Elliya said...

Dying is surely against the rules.

Row said...

Depends on the game.

Anonymous said...

If you where to die then our deal would be off...*wink* *hugs*

Unknown said...

If you die I'm going to be mildly irritated too.

I think Elli might be right. Against the rules.