Tomorrow Shawn and Ruth are to be wed.
I wish them happiness here now and tomorrow at the wedding and then forever after.
But perhaps the passion will one day fade as it does with everyone else. Then the romance will die as it cannot live without the passion. Finally the love will die malnourished from lack of passion or romance. People sometimes stay together even then because without each other nothing makes sense, because everything in the world only ever existed for them when they existed together. It's only ever there and it's only ever beautiful when seen through lover's eyes.
A stark view of "love" perhaps. I doubt it holds true to all people and certainly not for Shawn and Ruth, they fit together too well. I half expect them to die at the very same moment once they are in their old age. I'm happy for them and I'm looking forward to being an usher at their wedding.
I know Shawn has been stressing out over the wedding for months, it'll soon be over and he can relax.
As for my living in Bristol, it's been nice. No internet yet which is a tad annoying. Met some lovely strippers though.